Viewing a Remit (from Remit Details)

Select a record in the grid to view additional details for the remittance record, which includes information that was received from the payer. Similar to many screens throughout firstREV, users can select a record in the grid by clicking    in the Action column or clicking anywhere in the corresponding row.

Records accessed from the Remittance (Claims) grid (i.e. Remit Detail) are similar to records accessed from the Remit (Payments) grid (i.e. Remit Payments), except that data is organized with the focus being on the individual claim level.


Information for each remit in Remit (Claims) is grouped into the following sections:









Some sections contain a link in the header that allows users to access additional information that is related to the corresponding section:

     View Patients — Opens the Transactions tab (in the Patient Folder screen) for the patient, which includes details for any claims associated with the patient.

     View Payments — Opens the Payment tab of the Remit (Payment) for the corresponding remittance payment.


Remit Claims Tab Controls (Selected Claim)

Three tabs are available at the top of the Remit (Claim) screen, which contain several control features. Summarized below is the functionality for each control tab:


o     Save — Save current information for the remit, including corrections that were made or new data that has been entered.

o     Delete — Delete the selected remit.


o     EOB — Generate details about the Explanation of Benefits as a .pdf file.


o     Match to Claim — Match the selected remit with a claim by using the Select Claim prompt.