Home > Administration > User Security and Preferences > Defining Program Permissions
To set up program permissions for each agency associated with the employee:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration and then click User Security.
2. Locate and click on a name in the list of employees.
3. Click the arrow beside User Security by Agency, and select the agency for which you want to set an employee's permissions.
4. Review each area of the software listed and then select the appropriate permissions that the user should have access to. Scroll down and repeat this process until all security options are established correctly for the user.
5. When you finish defining the permissions for each program area, click .
6. Repeat the above steps for each agency for which the employee will need permissions.
If you select all the Mark All Security Permissions check boxes, you give the employee Systems Administrator status (i.e. the ability to add/edit/delete employees/patients in the system and set system control functions). |