Defining User Security

Setting Up User Security

To set up user security for an employee:

1.    From the Main Menu, select Administration and then click User Security.

2.    Locate and click on a name in the list of employees.

If you do not already see the desired employee in the list, you must first add a Personnel record for the employee.

3.    Enter a unique e-mail address in the User ID field.

4.    Select a line of business.

5.    Enter the employee's name and title in the Electronic Signature field. This signature is how the employee would sign a clinical document or plan of care. (i.e.: Sue Thomas, LPN) For more information about electronic signatures, see Electronic Signature.

6.    Use the Password area to adjust any password settings necessary.

7.    In the User Security by Agency drop-down select the appropriate office or folder to which you'd like to grant the employee access to.

8.    Review each area of the software listed and then select the appropriate permissions that the user should have access to:

     Click all boxes in the Mark All Security Permissions field to give the user full access to everything in Enterprise Edition.

     Click the desired privileges from the list of check boxes to deselect the item.

If you do not wish a user to have any access to a particular item in the list, click the check box in all columns to deselect the item to ensure all bases are covered. See below for details regarding recommended access levels for different roles and descriptions for available User Security privileges.

9.    For users that have firstREV permissions enabled, use the firstREV User Group drop-down menu to assign one of the user groups to the selected employee (e.g. Administration, Intake Coordinator, Billing Coordinator). This is used to designate the selected employee with a specific role in the firstREV interface. This field is only used for employees that will be using the revenue cycle management features in firstREV. Learn more about firstREV User Groups.

If the firstREV user security permissions are enabled for the user, one of the options must be selected in this field. If no selection is made, an error will be triggered.

10.  Click  .

11.  Request that the user sign in using the Username and temporary Password generated from Enterprise Edition. The user will be immediately prompted to setup a new Password. Passwords must be between 8-20 characters and should include 3 of the 4 following items:

12.  At east one upper case letter

     At least one lower case letter

     At least one number

     At least one special character (you should not use %, <, or >).


Click the links below to display additional functionality in the User Security window.

Deleting an Employee

Resetting an Employee's Password




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