The table below contains a list of all available alerts:
Alert ID |
Category |
Subcategory |
Description |
001 |
General |
Pending Admission |
Patient admission is pending with no clinical documentation |
002 |
General |
Pending Admission |
Patient admission is pending with incomplete SOC Assessment |
003 |
General |
Pending Admission |
Patient has Pending Status and a locked SOC Assessment exists along with a current PPS Episode |
004 |
General |
Episode Recert Window |
Patient is within 5 day window for recertification period |
005 |
General |
Episode Recert Window |
Patient is no longer within 5 day window for recertification period |
006 |
General |
Episode Recert Window |
Patient is X days from Day 1 of 5 day of recertification window |
007 |
Clinical |
Patient admitted but SOC Assessment is not complete |
008 |
Clinical |
Patient admitted but SOC Assessment is not locked/signed |
009 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is within recertification period but no recertification assessment exists |
010 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is within recertification period but recertification is not locked/signed |
011 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is within recertification period but recertification assessment is not completed |
012 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient has a Pending Status and a locked Homecare Certification (485) exists |
013 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient is admitted with an episode but the initial certification (484) does not exist |
014 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient is admitted with an episode but the initial certification (485) is not complete |
015 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient is admitted with an episode but the initial certification (485) is not locked/signed |
016 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient has a recertifying episode but a recertification (485) does not exist |
017 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient has a recertifying episode but a Homecare recertification (485) is not completed |
018 |
Clinical |
485 Recert |
Patient has a recertifying episode but a Homecare recertification (485) is not locked/signed |
019 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Resumption of Care that is incomplete |
020 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has a SN Follow Up that is incomplete |
021 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Discharge that is incomplete |
022 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Discharge Death at Home that is incomplete |
023 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a SN Transfer that is incomplete |
024 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a SN Clinical Progress Note that is incomplete |
025 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a SN Daily Progress Note that is incomplete |
026 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Resumption of Care that is incomplete |
027 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has a PT Follow Up that is incomplete |
028 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Discharge that is incomplete |
029 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Discharge Death at Home that is incomplete |
030 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a PT Transfer that is incomplete |
031 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PT Clinical Progress Note that is incomplete |
032 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PT Daily Progress Note that is incomplete |
033 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PT Daily Progress Note that is incomplete |
034 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a ST Daily Progress Note that in incomplete |
035 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a MSW Daily Progress Note that is incomplete |
036 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a HHA Daily Progress Note that is incomplete |
037 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PRN Progress Note that is incomplete |
038 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a Telephone Progress Note that is incomplete |
039 |
Clinical |
Braden |
Patient has a Braden Scale that is incomplete |
040 |
Clinical |
Discharge Summary |
Patient has a Discharge Summary Homecare that is incomplete |
041 |
Clinical |
30 Day Summary |
Patient has a 30 Day Summary that is incomplete |
042 |
Clinical |
60 Day Summary |
Patient has a 60 Day Summary that is incomplete |
043 |
Clinical |
Fall Risk |
Patient has a Fall Risk Screening (Multi-Factor) that is incomplete |
044 |
Clinical |
Patient has an Oasis SN Resumption of Care that incomplete |
045 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has an Oasis SN Follow Up that is incomplete |
046 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis SN Discharge that is incomplete |
047 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis SN Discharge Death at Home that is incomplete |
048 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has an Oasis SN Transfer that is incomplete |
049 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has an Oasis PT Follow Up that is incomplete |
050 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis PT Discharge that is incomplete |
051 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis PT Discharge Death at Home that is incomplete |
052 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has an Oasis PT Transfer that is incomplete |
053 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Resumption of Care that is not locked/signed |
054 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has a SN Follow Up that is not locked/signed |
055 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Discharge that is not locked/signed |
056 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Discharge Death at Home that is not locked/signed |
057 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a SN Transfer that is not locked/signed |
058 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a SN Clinical Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
059 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a SN Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
060 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Resumption of Care that is not locked/signed |
061 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has a PT Follow Up that is not locked/signed |
062 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Discharge that is not locked/signed |
063 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Discharge Death at Home that is not locked/signed |
064 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a PT Transfer that is not locked/signed |
065 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PT Clinical Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
066 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has PT Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
067 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a OT Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
068 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a ST Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
069 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a MSW Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
070 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a HHA Daily Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
071 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a PRN Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
072 |
Clinical |
Progress Note |
Patient has a Telephone Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
073 |
Clinical |
Braden |
Patient has a Braden Scale that is not locked/signed |
074 |
Clinical |
Discharge Summary |
Patient has a Discharge Summary Homecare that is not locked/signed |
075 |
Clinical |
30 Day Summary |
Patient has a 30 Day Summary that is not locked/signed |
076 |
Clinical |
60 Day Summary |
Patient has a 60 Day Summary that is not locked/signed |
077 |
Clinical |
Fall Risk |
Patient has a Fall Risk Screening (Multi-Factor) that is not locked/signed |
078 |
Clinical |
Patient has an Oasis SN Resumption of Care that is not locked/signed |
079 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has an Oasis SN Follow Up that is not locked/signed |
080 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis SN Discharge that is not locked/signed |
081 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis SN Discharge that is not locked/signed |
082 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has an Oasis SN Transfer that is not locked/signed |
083 |
Clinical |
Follow Up |
Patient has an Oasis PT Follow Up that is not locked/signed |
084 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis PT Discharge that is not locked/signed |
085 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has an Oasis PT Discharge Death at Home that is not locked/signed |
086 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has an Oasis PT Transfer that is not locked/signed |
087 |
Personnel |
Eval 1 |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Evaluation 1 |
088 |
Personnel |
Eval 2 |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Evaluation 2 |
089 |
Personnel |
Eval 3 |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Evaluation 3 |
090 |
Personnel |
License |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for License |
091 |
Personnel |
Driver's License |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Driver's License |
092 |
Personnel |
Auto Insurance |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Auto Insurance |
093 |
Personnel |
Auto Inspection |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Auto Inspection |
094 |
Personnel |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for CPR |
095 |
Personnel |
User Defined License |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for User Defined License |
096 |
Personnel |
Safety |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Safety |
097 |
Personnel |
Clinical Subjects |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Clinical Subjects |
098 |
Personnel |
Infection Control |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Infection Control |
099 |
Personnel |
Risk Management |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Risk Management |
100 |
Personnel |
Skills Program |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for Skills Program |
101 |
Personnel |
User Defined Requirement |
Personnel is approaching expiration date for User Defined Requirement |
102 |
Personnel |
Eval 1 |
Personnel expiration date for Evaluation 1 has passed |
103 |
Personnel |
Eval 2 |
Personnel expiration date for Evaluation 2 has passed |
104 |
Personnel |
Eval 3 |
Personnel expiration date for Evaluation 3 has passed |
105 |
Personnel |
License |
Personnel expiration date for License has passed |
106 |
Personnel |
Driver's License |
Personnel expiration date for Driver's License has passed |
107 |
Personnel |
Auto Insurance |
Personnel expiration date for Auto Insurance has passed |
108 |
Personnel |
Auto Inspection |
Personnel expiration date for Auto Inspection has passed |
109 |
Personnel |
Personnel expiration date for CPR has passed |
110 |
Personnel |
User Defined License |
Personnel expiration date for User Defined License has passed |
111 |
Personnel |
Safety |
Personnel expiration date for Safety has passed |
112 |
Personnel |
Clinical Subjects |
Personnel expiration date for Clinical Subjects has passed |
113 |
Personnel |
Infection Control |
Personnel expiration date for Infection Control has passed |
114 |
Personnel |
Risk Management |
Personnel expiration date for Risk Management has passed |
115 |
Personnel |
Skills Program |
Personnel expiration date for Skills Program has passed |
116 |
Personnel |
User Defined Requirement |
Personnel expiration date for User Defined Requirement has passed |
121 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is approaching recertification period but no recertification assessment exists |
122 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is approaching recertification period but the recertification assessment is not locked/signed |
123 |
Clinical |
Recert |
Patient is approaching recertification period but the recertification assessment is not completed |
124 |
Clinical |
Case Comm |
Patient has a Case Communication that is incomplete |
125 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Counselor Note that is incomplete |
126 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Death Visit Note that is incomplete |
127 |
Clinical |
Discharge Summary |
Patient has a Discharge Summary that is incomplete |
128 |
Clinical |
Face To Face |
Patient has a Face to Face that is incomplete |
129 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Care Plan that is incomplete |
130 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Visit Note that is incomplete |
131 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Supervisory Visit Note that is incomplete |
132 |
Clinical |
Patient has an IDT Plan of Care that is incomplete |
133 |
Clinical |
Patient has an IDT Plan of Care Update that is incomplete |
134 |
Clinical |
Imminent |
Patient has an Imminent Status Review that is incomplete |
135 |
Clinical |
Initial Nurse Assessment |
Patient has an Initial Nurse Assessment that is incomplete |
136 |
Clinical |
Initial Plan of Care |
Patient has an Initial Plan of Care/Physicians Orders that is incomplete |
137 |
Clinical |
Patient has an Inpatient Facility Rounds/Visit Note that is incomplete |
138 |
Clinical |
Med Director |
Patient has a Medical Director Progress Note that is incomplete |
139 |
Clinical |
Patient has a Medical Social Work Assessment that is incomplete |
140 |
Clinical |
Patient has a Medical Social Work Visit Note that is incomplete |
141 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Nurse Practitioner Progress Note that is incomplete |
142 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Nursing Visit Note that is incomplete |
143 |
Clinical |
Nutrition |
Patient has a Nutrition Standalone that is incomplete |
144 |
Clinical |
Palliative |
Patient has a Palliative Performance Scale that is incomplete |
145 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Physician Progress Note that is incomplete |
146 |
Clinical |
Spiritual |
Patient has a Spiritual Assessment that is incomplete |
147 |
Clinical |
Spiritual |
Patient has a Spiritual Visit Note that is incomplete |
148 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Volunteer Visit Note that is incomplete |
149 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a PRN Progress Note that is incomplete |
150 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Telephone Progress Note that is incomplete |
151 |
Clinical |
Braden |
Patient has a Braden Scale that is incomplete |
152 |
Clinical |
Custom |
Patient has a Custom Agency Document that is incomplete |
153 |
Clinical |
Fall Risk |
Patient has a Fall Risk Screening (Multi-Factor) that is incomplete |
154 |
Clinical |
Case Comm |
Patient has a Case Communication that is not locked/signed |
155 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Counselor Note that is not locked/signed |
156 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Death Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
157 |
Clinical |
Discharge Summary |
Patient has a Discharge Summary that is not locked/signed |
158 |
Clinical |
Face To Face |
Patient has a Face To Face Physician Encounter that is not locked/signed |
159 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Care Plan that is not locked/signed |
160 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
161 |
Clinical |
Hospice Aide |
Patient has a Hospice Aide Supervisory Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
162 |
Clinical |
Patient has an IDT Plan of Care that is not locked/signed |
163 |
Clinical |
Patient has an IDT Plan of Care Update that is not locked/signed |
164 |
Clinical |
Imminent |
Patient has an Imminent Status Review that is not locked/signed |
165 |
Clinical |
Initial Nurse Assessment |
Patient has an Initial Nurse Assessment |
166 |
Clinical |
Initial Plan of Care |
Patient has an Initial Plan of Care/Physicians Orders that is not locked/signed |
167 |
Clinical |
Patient has an Inpatient Facility Rounds/Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
168 |
Clinical |
Med Director |
Patient has a Medical Director Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
169 |
Clinical |
Patient has a Medical Social Work Assessment that is not locked/signed |
170 |
Clinical |
Patient has a Medical Social Work Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
171 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Nurse Practitioner Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
172 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Nursing Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
173 |
Clinical |
Nutrition |
Patient has a Nutrition Standalone that is not locked/signed |
174 |
Clinical |
Palliative |
Patient has a Palliative Performance Scale that is not locked/signed |
175 |
Clinical |
Nutrition |
Patient has a Physician Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
176 |
Clinical |
Spiritual |
Patient has a Spiritual Assessment that is not locked/signed |
177 |
Clinical |
Spiritual |
Patient has a Spiritual Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
178 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Volunteer Visit Note that is not locked/signed |
179 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a PRN Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
180 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a Telephone Progress Note that is not locked/signed |
181 |
Clinical |
Braden |
Patient has a Braden Scale that is not locked/signed |
182 |
Clinical |
Custom |
Patient has a Custom Agency Document that is not locked/signed |
183 |
Clinical |
Fall Risk |
Patient has a Fall Risk Screening (Multi-Factor) that is not locked/signed |
184 |
Clinical |
Oasis Cert |
A locked Oasis Document awaits Oasis Certification |
185 |
Clinical |
Face to Face |
Patient has an episodic payer requiring a Face To Face encounter and no date has been designated for the SOC episode |
186 |
Clinical |
Face to Face |
Patient has an episodic payer requiring a Face To Face encounter and the date is not between 90 days prior to the SOC date or 30 days after the SOC date |
187 |
Clinical |
Face to Face |
Patient has Medicare as their payer requiring Face To Face physician encounter. No Face To Face physician encounter date has been designated on the 2nd 90 day election period |
188 |
Clinical |
Face to Face |
Patient has Medicare as their payer requiring Face To Face physician encounter. No Face To Face physician encounter date has been designated on a 60 day election period |
189 |
Clinical |
Face to Face |
Patient has a Face To Face date not within the 30 day requirement of the next benefit period |
195 |
Clinical |
Custom Form |
Patient has a <Custom Form Assessment> that is incomplete. |
196 |
Clinical |
Custom Form |
Patient has a <Custom Form Assessment> that is not locked/signed. |
197 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a OT Evaluation that is incomplete. |
198 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a OT Evaluation that is not locked/signed. |
199 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a PT Evaluation that is incomplete. |
200 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a PT Evaluation that is not locked/signed. |
201 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a SN Clinical Progress Note (B) that is incomplete. |
202 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a SN Clinical Progress Note (B) that is not locked/signed. |
203 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a OT Routine Total Joint Program Visit Note that is incomplete. |
204 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a OT Routine Total Joint Program Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
205 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Total Joint Program Visit Note that is incomplete. |
206 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Total Joint Program Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
207 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine IV Visit Note that is incomplete. |
208 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine IV Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
209 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Rehab Neurological Visit Note that is incomplete. |
210 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Rehab Neurological Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
211 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a OT Routine Visit Note that is incomplete. |
212 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a OT Routine Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
213 |
Clinical |
Patient has a MSW Assessment that is incomplete. |
214 |
Clinical |
Patient has a MSW Assessment that is not locked/signed. |
215 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a SN Clinical Evaluation C-2.00 that is incomplete. |
216 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a SN Clinical Evaluation C-2.00 that is not locked/signed. |
217 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Visit Note that is incomplete. |
218 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Routine Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
219 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Urinary Visit Note that is incomplete. |
220 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Urinary Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
221 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Visit Note that is incomplete. |
222 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
223 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Diabetes Visit Note that is incomplete. |
224 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Diabetes Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
225 |
Clinical |
Wound |
Patient has a Wound Addendum that is incomplete. |
226 |
Clinical |
Wound |
Patient has a Wound Addendum that is not locked/signed. |
227 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Cardiac Visit Note that is incomplete. |
228 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Cardiac Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
229 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Heart Failure Visit Note that is incomplete. |
230 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Heart Failure Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
231 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Wound Visit Note that is incomplete. |
232 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Wound Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
233 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a MSW Routine Visit Note that is incomplete. |
234 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a MSW Routine Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
235 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Symptom Management Visit Note that is incomplete. |
236 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Symptom Management Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
237 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Cardiac Surgery Visit Note that is incomplete. |
238 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Cardiac Surgery Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
239 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Neurological Visit Note that is incomplete. |
240 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Neurological Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
241 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a PT Daily Visit Note that is incomplete. |
242 |
Clinical |
Note |
Patient has a PT Daily Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
243 |
Clinical |
Patient has a NQF #0209 that is incomplete. |
244 |
Clinical |
Patient has a NQF #0209 that is not locked/signed. |
245 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Respiratory Visit Note that is incomplete. |
246 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Routine Respiratory Visit Note that is not locked/signed. |
247 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a ST Evaluation that is incomplete. |
248 |
Clinical |
Eval |
Patient has a ST Evaluation that is not locked/signed. |
249 |
Clinical |
Case Communication Note |
Patient admitted but Case Communication assessment is not complete |
250 |
Clinical |
Case Communication Note |
Patient admitted but Case Communication assessment is not locked/signed |
262 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A Non-Qualified employee is scheduled for a therapy reassessment visit. |
263 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy visit exists that does not have an appropriate therapy reassessment within the 30 day period prior to the visit. |
264 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not scheduled for the 13th covered therapy visit for a non-rural single discipline therapy patient. |
265 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not scheduled for the 19th covered therapy visits for a non-rural single discipline therapy patient. |
266 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not scheduled for the 11th-13th covered therapy visits for a rural single discipline therapy patient. |
267 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not scheduled for the 17th-19th covered therapy visits for a rural single discipline therapy patient. |
268 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not schedule for all disciplines for the 11th-13th covered therapy visits for a multi-discipline therapy patient. |
269 |
Clinical |
Therapy Reassessment |
A therapy reassessment is not scheduled for all disciplines for the 17th-19th covered therapy visits for a multi-discipline therapy patient. |
270 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a Comprehensive Discharge-Death at Home that is incomplete. |
271 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a Comprehensive Transfer that is incomplete. |
272 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a OASIS Only Discharge that is incomplete. |
273 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a OASIS Only Discharge - Death at Home that is incomplete. |
274 |
Clinical |
Patient has a OASIS Only Follow-up/Recertification that is incomplete. |
275 |
Clinical |
Patient has a OASIS Only Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is incomplete. |
276 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a OASIS Only Transfer that is incomplete. |
277 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Discharge that is incomplete. |
278 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Follow-up/Recertification that is incomplete. |
279 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is incomplete. |
280 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Visit Note that is incomplete. |
281 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Discharge that is incomplete. |
282 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Follow-up/Recertification that is incomplete. |
283 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is incomplete. |
284 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Visit Note that is incomplete. |
285 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a Comprehensive Discharge-Death at Home that is not locked. |
286 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a Comprehensive Transfer that is not locked. |
287 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a OASIS Only Discharge that is not locked. |
288 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a OASIS Only Discharge - Death at Home that is not locked. |
289 |
Clinical |
Patient has a OASIS Only Follow-up/Recertification that is not locked. |
290 |
Clinical |
Patient has a OASIS Only Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is not locked. |
291 |
Clinical |
Transfer |
Patient has a OASIS Only Transfer that is not locked. |
292 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Discharge that is not locked. |
293 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Follow-up/Recertification that is not locked. |
294 |
Clinical |
Patient has a PT Comprehensive Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is not locked. |
295 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a PT Visit Note that is not locked. |
296 |
Clinical |
Discharge |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Discharge that is not locked. |
297 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Follow-up/Recertification that is not locked. |
298 |
Clinical |
Patient has a SN Comprehensive Start of Care/Resumption of Care that is not locked. |
299 |
Clinical |
Routine |
Patient has a SN Visit Note that is not locked. |
302 |
Physician |
Physician is no longer PECOS certified as of <current date>-Please verify PECOS enrollment. |
303 |
Clinical |
Vaccine |
Patient has a manually created Herpes Zoster/Shingles record, with an effective date greater than a more recently created system generated / OASIS records' M0906/M0090/Effective date. |