Setting Up User Alerts

Before setting up user security for alerts, your agency should determine which user(s) they want to assign the following rights:


Alerts QA


To set up user security for alerts:

1.    From the Main Menu, click Administration, and then select User Security.

2.    In the User Security grid, select the employee you want to assign Administrator/DON rights.

3.    Under User Security by Agency, locate the AlertsadminDON rights and select the check boxes under the Allow, View, Print, and Edit columns.

4.    Click  .

5.    Repeat steps 1-4 for additional users who need the Administrator/DON rights.

6.    In the User Security grid, select the employee you want to assign QA rights.

7.    Under User Security by Agency, locate the AlertsQA rights and select the check boxes under the Allow, View, Print, and Edit columns.

8.    Click  .

9.    Repeat steps 6-8 for additional users who need the QA rights.

Users with no security rights for alerts are considered Field Clinician Security level. These users see their own clinical and personnel alerts and only the general alerts for the patients to which they are assigned. It is not necessary to set up additional security rights for these users.