Use Narratives to create commonly-used phrases that can be added to patient documentation quickly without re-keying them each time. Narratives point to the 485 Locator, Orders, PRN Progress Notes, and Telephone Progress Notes.
Before you add a new narrative, use the search fields to see if the narrative already exists. |
To add a new narrative:
1. From the Main Menu, click Master Files, and then select Narratives.
A list of over 50 default narratives, relating to Orders and Goals, will display. You may modify or delete any of the existing narratives as desired. |
2. Click .
3. Enter the following information:
● Code
● Text
4. Click .
In the 485/Document Locator field: ● Selecting 19 - Other Progress Notes enables the narrative in PRN Progress Notes, Telephone Progress Note, and Case Communication. ● When using Assessment Notes, you should select 42 - Assessments/Visit Notes. |