Setting up Rate Shifts

Shift and Hours are entered in Master Files | Payroll Setup screen. The differential rates entered in this section will apply to both the Payroll Office Group as well as the selected Shift. 

When Dollars is selected for Rate Type, a shift differential per hour will be added for the employee for the hours worked inside the grid. For example, if an employee worked Shift 2 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Shift 2 is set up for 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. each evening, the employee would receive $1.00 more per hour for each hour worked in Shift 2. The employee would receive pay for 5 hours of Shift 2 with differential pay of $1.00 per hour more.

7.    To delete the shift differential pay, click the applicable Shift and then click Delete.

8.    Click Save.

9.    Repeat the process for adding all additional Shifts.

10.  Continue with Setting Up Rate Weekend.


If a Shift rate no longer applies, enter a new Rate with the appropriate Effective Date and a "0" Rate value.