Shifts can be created using specific start and end times. They can also be created for both Salary and Non-Salary pay cycle types. Shift names must be unique and shifts cannot overlap. By creating shifts you are able to set up differential pay for employees working during specific shift times. When customizing an employee's Shift compensation, do not edit or delete an existing rate unless it is incorrect. This allows you to maintain an accurate history of what employees are being paid.
1. Click the Shifts bar to expand the section.
2. Click New to activate the greyed-out section.
3. In the Pay Cycle field, click the radio button next to either Salary or Non-Salary.
4. Enter a Name for the shift (names must be unique).
5. Enter the Start Time and End Time for the shift, or click to select the applicable time using the pop-up interface.
6. Click Save.
7. Repeat process for all Shifts.
8. Continue with Setting Up Weekend.