Using the Homecare Version of the

Enterprise Edition Online User's Guide

Welcome to the HEALTHCAREfirst Enterprise Edition Online User's Guide.

Topics that guide you in using Enterprise Edition (Homecare line of business) can be located in the user guide by using the Search or Contents functions:



1.    Click Search to display the search pane.

2.    Enter key words in the search field.

3.    Click Go (or press the Enter key) to display topics that contain the keywords entered.

     To locate topics that contain a specific phrase, type the phrase in quotation marks. Example: To locate information about generating visits, enter "Generate Visits" in the search field.

     To narrow the search, use the words "and", "or", and "not" to include or exclude terms from the search. Example: To search for topics about reports, but only those that display admission content, type "reports AND admission" in the search field.



Click Contents to display the User Guide Table of Contents.

     Use the titles of the books and pages to guide you as you browse.

     Click books to browse sections of Online Help.

     Click pages to read individual topics.


Navigating Between Topics

Perform the following to navigate between topics:

     Press the Backspace key on your keyboard to quickly return to the previous topic you viewed.

     When reading a topic:

o     Click a pink (bold and underlined) hyperlink to jump to a related topic.

o     Click a teal, or pink for more brief instances (underlined) hyperlink to display additional steps, instructions, or definitions.


Product Support

For problems with Enterprise Edition, please contact HEALTHCAREfirst support at 888.563.7016.