To create a patient admission in Patients:
1. Select the patient you want to create an admission for.
2. Click the Admission title bar on the Patient Management window to open the Admission tab. (Or select Patients | Admission/Discharge | Admission on the main menu.)
3. Enter a date in the Date field in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click and select the date from the calendar.
4. Enter a time in the Time field.
5. Leave the Admit Pending check box selected.
6. Click the arrow beside Office and select the appropriate office.
7. Click the boxes next to the applicable items to select and check them as necessary:
● Physician Consent
● Employment Related
● Auto Accident Related
● Other Accident
● Exclude from CAHPS Export
Hospice exclusions differ from homecare exclusions. Patients will only be excluded from the CAHPS Survey if the Exclude from CAHPS checkbox is selected. Following are the reasons for hospice exclusion:
§ Expired Less than 48 hours = Patient expired less than 48 hours following the last admission to hospice care. (Enterprise Edition determines that a patient is deceased based on the patient status. If a patient is expired, ensure that the expired checkbox is selected and the patient status has been changed).
§ Live Discharge = Patient status is something other than 20, 40, 41 and 42.
§ No Publicity= Caregiver has “Exclude from CAHPS”
§ Under 18 years old = Patient is less than 18 years old during the sample month.
● Previous Admission Information Copied
8. Make the appropriate selections under Initial Location/Level of Care.
9. In the Notice of Election section, click the arrow beside Payor to select the applicable Payor, and enter an NOE Accept Date in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click and select the date from the calendar.
10. Click . Enterprise Edition will display the admission in the Patient Admission list.