To readmit a discharged patient in Patients | Intake Referral:
1. Select the appropriate patient name.
If the patient does not have any current admissions, their name will not appear in the patient list. Set the Admitted/Pending search option to All, and click Search to locate the patient. |
2. Click the Admission title bar on the Patient Management window to open the Admission tab.
3. In the Patient Admission grid, highlight the discharged admission, and click .
4. In the Copy Previous Admission Information dialog box, click Yes.
5. Enterprise Edition will display the admission in the Patient Admission grid, and will update the information at the bottom of the window. If this information is correct, click .
Readmitted patients containing CBSA code change When a patient is readmitted, any address information that is copied to the new admission (that overlap a CBSA code change) will be split into two separate addresses – with the new entry containing an effective date of when the CBSA code change occurred. |