You can upload documents (such as photos of wounds, lab results, and so on) to the patient chart:
1. From the Main Menu, click Patients and then select a patient.
2. Click the Documents tab.
3. Click the arrow beside the New Document field and select Custom Agency Documents from the drop-down menu.
Chrome will automatically open the document in a new tab. All other browsers will open the document in same tab. |
4. Click Browse to search for the custom agency document to upload.
5. Select the location of the document, and click Open.
6. To identify the type of document, click the arrow beside the Type field and select an option from the drop-down menu.
This list can be customized at Reference Files | Upload Doc Types. |
7. Click .
Key items to remember ● File size limit is 4 MB. ● File type must either .jpg or .pdf. ● Make sure to always click "New" to upload an additional document into your existing Custom Agency Document. If not, it will override your existing upload. ● Scan in your documents (based on file type) and lock the document quickly to prevent user error. o When scanning images, the scan quality must be considered. This setting is measured in dots-per-inch (DPI) and indicates how many sections the scanned image will be broken into within each square inch of space. A low DPI setting will result in a low resolution image (with a small file size), while a high DPI setting will result in a high resolution image (with a much larger file size). o A scan quality between 200-300 DPI will be sufficient for most documents. Although, depending on the scanner and software, this may be the maximum setting that is allowed for the scan quality. |