Entering Patient Contact Information

To enter patient contact information in Patients | Intake/Referral | Address/Phones:

1.    In the Effective From fields, enter the effective dates of the address and phone information.

CBSA codes are current as of the Effective From date. Please note that the Effective Date defaults to present day. Do not enter a Thru date unless you are editing the CBSA code to reflect a new code.

2.    Enter the patient's stress Address and City.

3.    Click the arrow in the State field and select the state in which the patient resides.

4.    Enter the zip code in the Zip field.

5.    Click the arrow in the Location field and select the type of location for the patient's address (such as Home, Assisted Living Facility, and so on). For Homecare patients the Location field will determine the appropriate Q code for the patient and will automatically pull to the claims. If left blank, location is automatically set as "Home".

6.    Select a county from the list of counties in the Select County grid (You can also enter the partial or full name of the county in the Search field, and select ). Enterprise Edition will automatically populate the County, MSA, FIPS, and CBSA fields using the selection.

Readmitted patients containing CBSA code change

When a patient is readmitted, any address information that is copied to the new admission (that overlap a CBSA code change) will be split into two separate addresses – with the new entry containing an effective date of when the CBSA code change occurred.

FIPS code for rural add-on regulations

Populated FIPS codes help agencies comply with regulations to rural add-on codes that became effective for episodes that end on or after 1/1/2019. A value code of 85 and the associated FIPS code will be sent on claims for any episode ending 1/1/2019 and after. As this will be automated, agencies are not required to add this value code.

7.    Click  .

8.    In the Phones / Email section to the right, ensure that the "New" row is selected (if applicable).

9.    Enter the patient's phone number and then use the drop-down menu to indicate the type of phone number.

10.  Click    to update the patient record with the new phone number.

To add another phone number, repeat steps 9-10. To delete a phone number, highlight the corresponding entry in the Phones / Email section and then click  .

11.  If the patient has an e-mail address, enter it in the Email field, and click  .

If desired, you can click    to open the default e-mail editor on your computer so that you can add the e-mail address to the contact list for your e-mail account.

12.  Continue with Uploading a Photo.


Some patients live in counties that are affected by new CMS transitional CBSA codes. In this case, the CBSA code will need to be modified with the correct CBSA code to allow episodes to calculate properly and for submissions to not be rejected. If you received an error message during billing that the patient's CBSA code is invalid, and have verified that the patient has a County selected with a CBSA code included, you must discontinue the current County CBSA code and enter a new one.



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