Navigate to Patients | Intake Referral | Insurance then complete the following steps:
You must complete the Patient Insurance tab before accessing the other tabs. |
1. Click .
2. Enter any applicable information into the patient insurance fields:
● Payor
● Plan
Users are required to enter a Begin date in the Payor coverage dates section. Effective dates that are entered in these fields are used to determine which payor is displayed in patient visits. Additionally, users cannot delete a payor from the patient chart if it is associated with any visits. |
● Pending
● Policy #
● Notes
3. Click .
Users cannot delete an existing insurance (payor) record from the patient chart if it is associated with any visits. If a payor has any visits associated with it, users can still use Schedule Review to remove the payor. However, if charge(s) for the associated visit(s) have already been billed, users must back out the charge(s) and then remove the payor from the corresponding charge(s). After completing this process, users can then delete the patient chart. |
4. Click the Policy Holder tab.
5. Continue with Entering Policy Holder Information.