Searching for and Selecting an Existing Patient

Before adding a new patient, you should search the system for patient information that may already exist. To search for existing patient information from the Main Menu:

1.    From the Main Menu, select Patients.

2.    Enter any information you have about the patient in the Patient Search fields.

3.    If desired, users can use the Caseload field to view patients that are currently assigned to them. When "Yes" is selected, the software will only display patients in the list if they are assigned to your employee record (in Patients | Relationships | Personnel) or if the employee is assigned to upcoming visits for the patient. Learn more about the Caseload search feature.

The Caseload field will not display if Admission Filtering is turned on for all offices associated with the user (in Administration | User Security). If associated with multiple offices (and Admission Filtering is only enabled for one office), the user will still see the Caseload field.

4.    Click Search. One of the following will occur:

     If no patients match the criteria you selected, the following message will appear:

     A list of existing patients will display below Patient Selection, based on the criteria you selected.

5.    Click the name of the patient to view. Note the following about the list of patients:

     Names with an asterisk (*) are Admitted patients.

     When you click a patient's name, their patient ID and associated Office will appear above the list of patient names under Patient Selection. The patient record information will also appear in  Patient Management in the right side of the window.



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