To discontinue a medication order from Patients | Intake/Referral | Patient Referral:
1. From the Main Menu, select Patients and click a patient name.
2. Click the Care Profile tab, and click the Medications title bar to open the Patient Medication window.
3. In the Patient Medications grid, highlight the medication you want to discontinue.
4. Near the bottom of the window, enter the Discontinue Date in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click and select the date from the calendar
5. Click . The Disc. Date column under the Patient Medications list will contain a Discontinue Date for the medication.
6. To create a Discontinue Order for the physician, click in the Medication Orders grid. In the grid next to
, Enterprise Edition will display the medication order with an Order ID, the name of the Author creating the order, and a Discontinue Date. Enterprise Edition will automatically send the medication order to the Orders area.
7. Click the Orders tab and verify that the Discontinue Date field in the Document Status section contains a date.
8. To print the discontinued order, refer to Printing Medication Orders.
9. To complete and lock the discontinued order, refer to Completing Medication Orders.