To create a medication order from within a patient's chart:
1. From the Main Menu, select Patients and click a patient name.
2. Click the Care Profile tab, and click the Medications title bar.
3. Click in the Patient Medications window.
4. Search for the medication name by entering part of the name in the Medication Name field, and click .
You do not need to enter the complete medication name to search. |
5. Perform one of the following:
● From the list of available medications under Select Medication Name, click the correct medication to select it.
● From the list of available routes under Select Medication Route, click the correct route to select it.
● From the list of available dosages under Select Medication Dosage, click the correct dosage to select it.
6. Enter the appropriate order information and dosage information, and click .
● Enterprise Edition will display the medication in the Patient Medications grid in the Patient Management window. Verify that the list contains the correct medication and dosage.
7. In the Medication Orders section at the bottom of the screen, click to create the order.
● The newly created medication order will display in the grid with an Order ID and the name of the Author that created the order.
● Previously created medication orders may also show a Discontinue Date (if applicable).
● The software will automatically send the medication order to the Orders screen.
Users can view any medication orders displayed in the grid by simply clicking on the corresponding hyperlink that displays in the Order ID column. The medication order will immediately display in a separate Medication Order tab. Users can easily return to the Patient Medications screen by clicking on the Medications tab at the top. |