Completing and Locking Orders

To complete and lock an order:

1.    From the Main Menu, click Patients to open the patient's chart and then click the Orders tab.

2.    In the list of orders, highlight the order you want to complete (Click on any column, except for the Document column. Clicking the underlined blue link in the Document column will open the document).

3.    At the bottom of the window, check the box next to Completed.

4.    Click  . Enterprise Edition will display the Date Completed and Completed By information in the Document Status section at the bottom of the window.

5.    To sign and lock the order, click   (If your agency does not use electronic signatures, click the box next to Locked to check it).

6.    Click  . Enterprise Edition will display the Date Locked and Locked By information in the Document Status section at the bottom of the window. If the document is electronically signed, Yes will display next to Electronically Signed in the Document Status section at the bottom of the window.



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