Patient Statements Report

This report provides users with the ability to print patient statements for different timeframes and payers, which allows them to more easily reconcile the amount and due date for patient balances. Data in the Patient Statements report includes charges, payments, adjustments, and the aged ending balance of the account:

1.    Click the arrow beside the Offices field and then select the check box beside the office(s) you want to use for the report. To include all offices, click the top-level checkbox.

2.    To include only patients that are admitted in the report, click the Active Only check box.

3.    Specify a range of patients to use in the report using the Patient Last Name From and Patient Last Name Thru fields. If applicable (multiple first names exist in the fields selected), users can further clarify which names to include in the report using the Patient First Name From and Patient First Name Thru fields. The "first name" fields will be grayed-out unless multiple first names are present.

4.    Specify a timeframe for when patient statements were created by using the Statement From and Statement Thru fields.

5.    If desired, the report can utilize a specific number of days for each Aging Period:

     By default, Aging Period 1 is set to "30" days.

     By default, Aging Period 2 is set to "60" days.

     By default, Aging Period 3 is set to "90" days.

     By default, Aging Period 4 is set to "120" days.

6.    Specify a specific Payor to use for the report data. By default, this filter is set to "All Payors".

7.    To utilize data for a specific patient, enter the Patient ID.

Click the link below to learn about the report content:

Understanding the report content

Mailing Patient Statements

The Patient Statements report is designed so that, when printed, it will fit into a standard single-window or double-window #10 size envelope:

     Single-window: Displays "Payor" box only (patient name and address).

     Double-window: Displays "Payor" box as well as the box for the agency name and address.