The two sections below detail the two different scenarios when MAR is activated for a patient.
When the MAR is activated in Administration | System Control, a new Current MAR Status section will display in the Patient Admission screen.
To activate that MAR in a patient chart from the Admission screen:
1. Enter the required admission data (Date, Office, Level/Location of Care).
2. Click .
3. Click the MAR Active check box to select it.
4. Select a Room/Bed from the menu.
5. Click .
In some cases, a patient with an active admission may subsequently requires the use of the MAR due to a change in a level or location of care. For instance, a patient may transfer from their home to the IPU. In this scenario, MAR can be activated from within the Patient Level of Care screen.
If the MAR Active box is checked in the Admission screen, the software will automatically check the MAR Active box in the Patient Level of Care screen. |
To activate the MAR from Patients | Admission/Discharge | Level/location of Care:
1. Click .
2. Enter the Begin Date, Revenue Code, and Location of Care for the new level of care.
3. Click the MAR Active check box to select it.
4. Select a location from the Room/Bed menu.
5. Enter the Nursing Facility and Rate information (if applicable).
6. Click .