HEALTHCAREfirst must activate messaging in your database before it is functional. Please contact HEALTHCAREfirst at 800-841-6095 to have messaging activated. To determine if messaging is available, select Administration on the main menu, and click System Control. If the On radio button is selected in the Messaging section, then messaging is available.
Your agency's system administrator must set up security for each employee using messaging. If this was not previously done in Defining User Security, follow the steps below:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration, and then click User Security.
2. Locate and click on a name in the list of employees.
3. Scroll down to Messaging in the User Security by Agency section.
4. Select all the check boxes to the right of Messaging (Allow, View, Print, Edit, and Remove).
5. Repeat the above steps for each employee that needs messaging security rights.
Messaging now appears in the Home window. You can also access it from anywhere in the system by clicking the EMAIL button at the top of the window.