Setting up Payroll Office Groups

Payroll Office Groups are a way of grouping together employees that perform similar job functions and work on similar schedules and cycles of pay.

To set up an Payroll Office Group:

1.    On the Main Menu, click Master Files then select Payroll Setup.

2.    The Payroll Office Group is automatically expanded by default. Click New.

3.    Enter a Name for the group (Name must be unique).

4.    Click the Offices drop-down menu then click the box next to the office(s) that you would like to set up for the Payroll Office Group. Once you use any particular office in a group, that office will be unavailable so that you cannot select it again.

Non-salary and salary employees can be grouped together or separate in the office grouping. Overtime, other compensation, shifts, weekend, holidays, and mileage will likely be grossly different for salary vs. non-salary employees. If these items are vastly different between the two categories of employees, HEALTHCAREfirst advises to set these payroll groups up separately.

5.     Click Save.

6.    Repeat for all Payroll Office Groups you wish to establish.

7.      Continue with Setting up Pay Cycles.