Setting up Overtime

Overtime can be set up for weekly, daily, and/or consecutive days thresholds amounts. These thresholds will trigger Payroll to start calculating Overtime for any time entered past the set threshold amount.

First, expand this section by clicking the Overtime bar.


Overtime Thresholds (Weekly)

1.    Under Overtime Thresholds, select the Overtime Interval desired (1 week or 2 weeks).

2.    Enter the desired Visits per Interval and Hours per Interval that must be exceeded for the interval to qualify for an overtime indicator (A "0" or "none" value entered in this field indicates that overtime status will not be applied for this employee. Only whole numbers may be entered).

3.    Continue to Daily Thresholds.


Daily Thresholds

1.    Check the box next to Include Daily Overtime Thresholds to activate the Daily Thresholds section so the user can proceed entering applicable information.

2.    Enter the Visits per Day and Hours per Day that must be exceeded in a single day for the visits or hours to qualify for an overtime indicator (A "0" or "none" value in this field indicates that overtime status will not be applied for this employee. Only whole numbers may be entered).

3.    Continue to Consecutive Days Threshold.


Consecutive Days Threshold

1.    Enter the number of Consecutive Days that must be worked before the employee will qualify for an overtime indicator. (Reference: There are some states where the wage and hour board consider overtime to be any time that is worked past 5 consecutive days).

2.    Click Save.

3.    Continue with Setting Up Other Compensation.