Setting up Rate Other Compensation

The rates entered in this section will apply to the entire agency as well as the selected items. 

Other Compensation applies to items such as cell phone usage, DSL, Air card, or flat rate mileage reimbursement that is paid to employees on a monthly basis. 

Only Other Compensation items that were created in the Payroll Setup tab, for the selected Payroll Office Group, will appear in the Rates tab.

1.     Click the Other Compensation bar to expand the section.

2.    Click the preferred item in the Other Compensation grid listing.

3.    Click New.

4.    Enter the Effective Date associated with the item rate selected (Effective Dates cannot overlap for the same item).

5.    Enter the Rate associated with the selected item. 

6.    Click Save. 

7.    After the item has been saved, another grid box will display that contains the Effective Date and the Rate.

8.    Repeat for each Other Compensation item.

9.    Continue with Setting Up Rate Shifts.


If an Other Compensation item rate no longer applies, enter a new Item Rate with the appropriate Effective Date and a "0" Rate value.