Signing and Locking Documents

After all necessary data has been saved and the document has been validated (if applicable), it can then be signed and/or locked. The options that are available for each document will depend on whether or not Electronic Signature is turned On or Off (in Administration | System Control).

For OASIS documents, locking the document creates the episode and makes the assessment ready for extraction to the state. Once the OASIS document is locked, you can find it by navigating to selecting Tools | OASIS Extract. HEALTHCAREfirst recommends that you lock the assessment prior to creating a 485.

Once locked, information will display in the Document Status section that is associated with the document (as applicable).


Locking Documents with a P Page


Locked OASIS Documents




Signing and Locking

 To sign and lock a document (if electronic signatures are enabled):

1.    While the correct patient is currently selected, click the Documents tab.

2.    Select the document from the display grid.

The Validate button is available in the Documents tab regardless of document version, but will only be available inside documents that utilize the newer, enhanced format and contain an End Visit Date/Time section.


Locking Only

If electronic signatures are disabled for the agency, any user can create and lock a document since no electronic signature stamp displays on the document. To only lock a document:

1.    While the correct patient is currently selected, click the Documents tab.

2.    Select the document from the display grid.

3.    Click the   button located in the header of the Document Status section. Once clicked, this button will change to indicate the document is  .

4.    Click  .




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