To add advance directives (or edit an existing directive) for a patient in Patients | Intake/Referral | Advance Directives:
1. To add a new advance directive, click to begin a new entry.
● To search for and edit existing advance directives (in the Advance Directive Search section), enter the name, or partial name, of the directive you are searching for and then click .
You do not need to enter the complete name to search. |
● From the list of advance directives in the grid, click one to select it. Enterprise Edition will display the information.
2. In the Advance Care Plan Discussions section at the top of the screen, ensure that the most appropriate Patient Discussion option is selected.
If at least one advance directive is added and at least one advance directive has a HealthCare Rep / Surrogate Decision Maker assigned, then the following option will be automatically selected when the user clicks |
3. Indicate that the patient is an organ donor by checking the Organ Donor box.
4. The Funeral Arrangements Made box can be checked for deceased patients (if applicable). When applicable, users can then use the Funeral Home drop-down field to indicate the specific funeral home that the patient has been assigned to.
Any funeral home records that are setup for the agency office in Master Files | Funeral Homes will be available for selection. If you need to add a new funeral home record, click |
5. Enter data into all the fields below the display grid (or edit any necessary fields for an existing directive):
If you need to add a new directive type, click |
● Elements Included (Mark all that apply)
● Notes
6. Click . Enterprise Edition will display the advance directive information in the list at the top of the window.
7. Click to continue with Associating Personnel.