Enterprise Edition includes a feature that allows users to add one of the medications interactions (listed below), for any existing medications on a patient's chart:
● Sliding Scale – Implement and track a sliding scale regiment for a medication.
● Dosage Schedule – Implement and track a medication's dosage schedule.
● Details entered for a Sliding Scale or Dosage Schedule entry will display with the associated medication order.
● System allows only one type of interaction per medication (either Sliding Scale or Dosage Schedule).
● Medication interactions can only be entered after a new medication has been added and saved.
● Only applies to databases that have the Medi-Span drug database activated.
● On available for Med Groups if a user, first, adds the Medication Group selection to the patient's chart then clicks Save.
● Indicating message will display in the Patient Medications grid, indicating the change (e.g. "Sliding Scale", "Dosage Schedule").
From Patients | Intake/Referral | Medications, follow the set of instructions below either for adding a Sliding Scale or a Dosage Schedule.
To add a Sliding Scale from Patients | Intake/Referral | Medications:
1. Select the preferred medication from the Patient Medications grid.
2. Click the Sliding Scale radio button. The Sliding Scale details section will display below.
3. Enter the Reason (e.g. "Blood sugar result").
4. Enter the desired values for the Low end of the scale and the High end of the scale.
For the Low and High fields, numerical values may be entered for a maximum of 5 digits (or up to 4 digits, with the inclusion of decimal point). |
5. Enter the Dose.
For the Dose field, numerical values may be entered for a maximum of 5 digits (or up to 9 digits, with the inclusion of a decimal point). |
6. Enter any applicable Comments. This will also display in the associated medication order.
7. Click Save.
● To create an additional entry, after the record has been saved, press the Add New Entry button ().
● To delete an existing entry, select the desired record and click the Delete Current Entry button ().
8. If the interaction has been added for a newly-created medication, click to apply pending changes and continue with Identifying Patient Allergies.
To add a Dosage Schedule from Patients | Intake/Referral | Medications:
1. Select the preferred medication from the Patient Medications grid.
2. Click the Dosage Schedule radio button. The Dosage Schedule details section will display below.
3. Enter the Prescribed Dose.
For the Prescribed Dose field, numerical values may be entered for a maximum of 5 digits (or up to 4 digits, with the inclusion of decimal point). |
4. Select the most appropriate Frequency from the options listed in the drop-down menu:
5. In the For field, enter the desired value then specify the appropriate duration unit of easurement.
6. Enter any applicable Comments for the medication entry. This will also display in the associated medication order.
7. Click Save.
● To create an additional entry, after the record has been saved, press the Add New Entry button ().
● To delete an existing entry, select the desired record and click the Delete Current Entry button ().
8. If the interaction has been added for a newly-created medication, click to apply pending changes and continue with Identifying Patient Allergies.