To document a patient's allergic reactions to medications in Patients | Intake/Referral | Allergies:
1. Click .
2. Enter a partial or full medication name in the Name field.
3. Select the preferred option to select the type of medication list used to search for medications:
● Medispan
4. Click .
5. Select the applicable medication from the Select Medication Name list.
When you select a medication, the system automatically populates the Type, ID, and Name fields at the bottom of the window. You cannot edit these fields. |
6. Click the arrow beside the Nurse field and select the name of the nurse entering the allergy.
7. In the Effective Date field, enter the date the allergy is in effect in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click and select the date from the calendar.
8. If this is a temporary allergy, use the mm/dd/yyyy format to enter the date the allergy ended in the End Date field, or click and select the date from the calendar.
9. Use the Notes field to enter any additional notes about the allergy (such as the reaction the patient has, how to alleviate the reaction, and so on).
10. Click . Enterprise Edition will display the allergy in the Patient Allergies grid at the top of the window.
11. Click to apply pending changes and continue with Entering Durable Medical Equipment (DME).
If you enter an allergy for a patient, |