Navigate to Patients | Intake Referral | Insurance then complete the following steps to select durable medical equipment for a patient:
1. Click .
2. To search for specific criteria, perform one of the following in the DME Search section:
● Click the arrow beside the Vendor field, select a Vendor name from the pre-defined list, and click .
● Enter the DME ID in the ID field and then click .
● Enter the DME description in the Description field and click .
You do not need to enter the complete description to search. |
3. From the list of available durable medical equipment, click the correct item to select it. Enterprise Edition will display the DME information in the DME section.
4. Enter the applicable Order information.
5. Enter the applicable Delivery information.
6. If the employee is picking up the DME from the vendor, enter the Pickup information.
7. Click . Enterprise Edition displays the DME information in the Patient DME grid at the top of the window.
8. Click to apply pending changes and continue with Selecting Physicians.