Identifying Surgical Codes

Use the Surgical Codes tab only if the patient's condition requires a surgical procedure.


Found at Patients | Intake/Referral | Surgical Codes, use the Surgical Codes tab to select procedure and ICD information:

1.    From the buttons located above the Surgical Procedures grid, click New.

2.    If you know the date of the patient's surgical procedure, enter the corresponding date, using mm/dd/yyyy format, in the Surgery Date text field or click    and select the date from the pop-out calendar.

3.    Use the fields in the Code Reference search section to search for the specific surgical procedure. After you enter the search criteria, in either the Code or Description field, and click the corresponding Search Icon (), Enterprise Edition will list the appropriate surgical procedures in a grid below the search fields.

4.    Locate and click on the correct surgical procedure in the list to select it then click  . Enterprise Edition will display the surgical procedure in the Surgical Procedures grid at the top of this screen.

5.    Ensure that each patient's chart is ready for the transition to ICD-10 by Crosswalking Surgical Codes.

6.    Click    to apply pending changes and continue with Selecting Patient Medications.



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