To select the patient's medications in Patients | Intake/Referral | Medications:
1. Click .
2. Enter a partial or full medication name in the Medication Name New field.
3. Select the preferred option to select the type of medication list used to search for medications:
● Medispan
4. Click the arrow beside the Ordering Nurse field and select the name of the ordering nurse.
5. Select one of the following options:
● New
● Change
6. In the Effective Date field, enter the date the medication is in effect in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click and select the date from the pop-out calendar.
7. For the Discontinue Date, perform one of the following:
● If the patient should only take this medication for a specified time, enter the date the patient should stop using the medication in the Discontinue Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click and select the date from the calendar.
● If there is no end date for the medication, leave the Discontinue Date field blank.
8. Click . Enterprise Edition will display the medication(s) in the Patient Medications grid at the top of the window.
9. If more than one medication is being added, enter the sequence order for the selected medication in the Seq field.
10. Perform one of the following:
● If a group of medications are being added (Med Groups), continue with Step 12.
● If a Medispan or User Defined medication is being added, continue with the next step.
11. Complete the applicable fields for a Medispan or user-defined medication (Some fields are auto-populated).
● When you add multiple medications from the Medispan list, Enterprise Edition automatically runs an interaction check to ensure the medications do not adversely interact with each other. ● If you add a medication that affects the patient's allergies, Enterprise Edition displays an allergy alert. ● A strikethrough font emphasis has been implemented to the Patient Medications grid to indicate medications that have been discontinued (See sample image below). |
12. Click .
13. If applicable, users can enter a sliding scale or dosage schedule for existing medications. Learn more about Adding Medication Interactions.
14. Learn more about working with medication orders:
● Completing medication orders
● Discontinuing medication orders
15. Click to apply pending changes and continue with Identifying Patient Allergies.