Enterprise Edition offers the ability to track insurance authorizations as dictated by a patient's insurance coverage. The Authorizations component offers different approaches.
For instance, your agency may want to enter the Authorization from the payor while still expecting physicians' order frequencies to determine when visits are scheduled. In this case, the physician's order frequency determines the schedule and the corresponding Authorization will enable prompts and constraints in order to ensure the clinician maintains compliance with the insurance authorization. In another instance, an agency may want the Authorization to determine when visits are scheduled for a patient. In this case, clinicians will be able to enter narrative orders that do not contain a physician order frequency (as the Authorization will be used to populate the Schedule).
Before adding authorizations, agencies should determine the Authorization Schedule Settings, which are set-up in Master Files | Payors/Plans | Plans.
Before entering authorizations, insurance information must first be entered for the desired patient by following the steps outlined in Entering Patient Insurance. |
Navigate to Patients | Intake / Referral | Insurance | Authorizations tab and complete the following steps to add a new authorization:
1. Click New.
2. Enter all applicable data in the insurance authorization fields.
● Patient Name (auto-populated)
● Payor/Plan (auto-populated)
Enterprise Edition will automatically assign this payor and plan to corresponding visits that are scheduled from the Authorizations screen. If this should be a different payor/plan, navigate to Patients | Intake / Referral | Insurance and then change this to the correct payor from the Patient Insurance tab. |
The status can be changed from "Pending" to "Approved" when an authorization number is received from the insurance provider. |
● Auth #
If the status is "Pending" or "Private Duty" (for private insurance) then users will not be able to type a number in this field. |
● End Date (optional)
This field will only be used when discontinuing the Authorization. |
3. Click . Enterprise Edition will automatically:
● Add the information to the Authorization grid.
● Display the name associated with the user account and the date/time you entered the authorization in the Created By field.
● Display the Frequencies By section, which requires additional information to be entered.
4. Complete the fields in the newly-populated Frequencies By section:
● End Date
● Duration
● Comment
5. Click . The frequency will display in the bottom of the grid.
Adding additional frequencies Frequencies must be set for each individual discipline, but users cannot edit a Frequency after visits are generated. Before additional frequencies can be set, users must first create the first frequency, generate and assign the visits, and then return to the Authorizations screen. Click |
6. Click to proceed with Generating Visits from Authorizations. Visits will automatically display on the Schedule Calendar with orange shading to indicate that they are "Unassigned".
For further details regarding Authorization settings, refer to the Authorization Schedule Settings topic.
Agencies that want to track Authorizations, but don't want to put Authorization parameters around how many visits are available for a patient, no authorization setting should be selected in Master Files | Payors/Plans | Plans. If no checkbox is selected and you enter an order greater than the Authorization, you will receive a message stating "out of authorization". When no Authorization settings are established, the Schedule shading from Authorizations will guide the clinician for the Authorization period as it relates to the order frequencies being written. |
To continue entering patient information, click the Patient Insurance tab and then click to proceed with Entering Patient Caregivers.