Entering Orders

To create a new physician order:

If you need to add or edit the author, physician, or discipline, click the blue document link to open the Master File Editor. To return to the physician order, click the Selected Assessment tab.

1.    From the Main Menu, click Patients, select Intake/Referral, and then click the Orders tab.

2.    Click the arrow beside New Order and select Physician Order.

3.    The Physician Order will open in the Selected Assessment tab.

4.    Click the arrow beside Order Type and select from the list of order types.

     Select Initial Order if you want the order to flow to the Certification 485 Plan of Care, or select Recertification Order if you want the order to flow to the Recert 485 Plan of Care.

5.    Click the arrow beside Author and select a name:

     If Electronic Signature is turned on, Enterprise Edition will auto-populate the author based on who created the order. The clinician that will electronically sign/lock the order should be the one to create the order.

     If Electronic Signature is turned off, you may select the author from the list as long as you previously associated the personnel to the patient.

6.    Click the arrow beside Physician and select the physician that will sign the order.

The physician must be associated with the patient to display in the list of names.

7.    Click the arrow beside Discipline and select the appropriate discipline for the order.

You must create a new order for each discipline.

8.    Click the arrow beside Schedule By and select whether you want to schedule by Visit or Hour.

9.    The Eff./Begin Date will default based on data found on the PPS Episodic Periods tab of Orders and the Order Type drop down selection. If you want to change the default date, enter in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click    and select the date from the calendar. The software will determine applicable payors (for patient visits) based on the payor coverage dates entered for each payor (instead of the Eff./Begin date for the order).

If you want the order to flow to the 485 Plan of Care then the Eff./Begin Date must be the admission/start of care date, or earlier.

10.  Leave the Date Signed field blank. Enterprise Edition will automatically populate this field from Document Tracking once you enter a Date Signed by the physician.

11.  To indicate that an order was given to the clinician verbally from the physician, check the Order Verbally Received box and then enter corresponding Date and time that the order was verbally received, or click    and select the date and time using the menu that displays.

If "Verbal Order" is selected as the Order Type, the Order Verbally Received box will be checked automatically and the corresponding Date field will be enabled. If any other Order Type is selected, users must manually check this box and enter the corresponding date./time.

12.  The Physician Signature Required checkbox will default to be selected. If an order does not need to be signed by the physician, this box does not need to be checked.

13.  The Projected End Date will default based on data found on the PPS Episodic Periods tab of Orders as well as the Order Type drop down selection. If you want to change the default date, enter in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click    and select the date from the calendar. The Projected End Date is not used to determine applicable payors for patient visits.

If you want Enterprise Edition to automatically discontinue the order on that date so it does not flow to the Recertification 485 Plan of Care, enter the end of episode date in this field.

14.  Leave the Discontinue Date field blank.

15.  Click    and then continue with Order Frequencies.