Mileage Review

Mileage Review is a mileage monitoring tool that can be used to assist in more efficient use of clinician time, and maximizing agency revenue by reducing unnecessary mileage costs. Clinicians can use the tool to plan their schedule for the day by the most optimized route. Agencies can use the tool to monitor the daily optimized route against the mileage input by the clinician.

The Mileage Review feature must be turned on by HEALTHCAREfirst Support. If your agency has not has this feature turned on, please contact a Support representative to request access.


Enter Daily Mileage Routing Address

After Mileage Review has been turned on, if you have administrative security rights, you can use the Mileage Review tool. A Daily Mileage Routing Address must first be selected:

1.    On the Main Menu, click Personnel.

2.    Click the Address/Phones tab.

3.    Scroll down to the Daily Mileage Routing Addresses section.

4.    Check the box next to the desired starting address to use for mileage routing.

a.    If the Use Agency Address option is selected, the appropriate Office must be selected from the drop-down menu in order to populate the address in the Route Start Address box.

b.    If the Use Other Address option is selected, an address will need to be entered below the Use Other Address check box.

5.      Click Save.

1.    In order for Daily Mileage Routing Addresses to function properly, addresses must be entered for the selected option. If Use Agency Address is selected, the agency address must be entered in Master Files | Agency. If Use Agency Address is selected, the personnel given User Security rights for Mileage Routing must have an address entered in Personnel.


User Security Rights

After the Daily Mileage Routing Address is selected, User Security rights must be given to individual users for access to the feature in Administration | User Security.


Agency Use of the Mileage Review Tool

2.    From the Main Menu, click Tools then select Mileage Review.

     Complete the following fields:

     Enter the From/To dates you want to use in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click    and select dates from the calendar.

     Click the arrows beside the Discipline and Employee fields to select a specific discipline and/or employee.

3.    Click the arrow beside office and select the office for which you want to review mileage.

4.    To limit the miles you want to review, click the check box beside Only show days where miles do not match within 0 miles, and replace the 0 with the number of miles.

5.    Click    to display a list of employees, the date of recorded mileage, the total miles entered, and the optimal miles.

6.    To view miles entered by patient, click on the employee name in the list to expand it.

     Select one of the following options:

     Show Report

     Map All Routes

Show Routes




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