Before you can activate individual alerts, the person in your agency assigned Administrator/DON rights must activate alerts in Administration | System Control for the entire agency. By default, alerts are set to Off. Only users with access to System Control | User Security settings may turn on alerts.
There are over 200 alerts available in Enterprise Edition in three categories. Alerts are designed to resolve themselves automatically once you perform the necessary action to resolve the alert. If the alert is out of compliance, the Administrator or DON may resolve the alert manually.
To activate individual alerts:
1. From the main menu, click Master Files and then select Alerts.
2. To filter the list of alerts, click Show Search Options, and select any of the filters to narrow the list. Additionally, alerts can be sorted according to specific information by clicking on the appropriate column header (i.e. Category, Subcategory, ID, Description, Document, Active, Value, Measure).
3. Click Edit at the far left in the row of the alert you want to activate.
4. Click the Active check box to activate it or clear the check box to make it inactive.
5. If the alert is editable, enter or edit the Value field if necessary.
6. Click Update to save the change.
7. Repeat for all alerts desired to be activated.
To review a detailed description of the alert, hover your mouse over |