The Clinical Range area is where you establish clinical parameters for the patient by entering an effective from date and the parameters for a patient's vitals.
Clinical Range is not available on theIntake/Referralmenu. You can only access it via theCare Profiletab by clickingClinical Rangeon the section header bar.
The Documents area contains areas for orders, visit notes, care plans, and assessments. Enterprise Edition displays up to three documents at a time in each area. If more than three documents exist for an area, use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through the available documents. Open the documents by clicking Documents on the title bar, or by clicking the Documents option on the Main Menu, and then edit the documents as necessary.
The Medications area contains information regarding medications that you entered for the patient. Open the medications list by clicking Medications on the title bar, or by clicking the Medications option under Intake/Referral on the main menu, and then edit the medication information as necessary.
The Allergies area contains information regarding allergies you entered for the patient. Open the allergies list by clicking Allergies on the title bar, or by clicking the Allergies option under Intake/Referral on the main menu, and then edit the allergy information as necessary.
The DME area contains information regarding durable medical equipment (DME) items you entered for the patient. You can open the list of DME items by clicking DME on the title bar, or by clicking the DME option under Intake/Referral on the main menu, and then edit the DME information as necessary.
Users can use the toggle feature within each row to either collapse () or expand () an entire row of data sections. For instance, if a user clicks in the Medications column header, then the Medications, Allergies, and DMEsections of data will collapse.